Monday, 11 July 2016

Where to Go in London for Cheaper Volkswagen Repairs

When you are in need of car servicing for your Volkswagen in London, you know it can be a complicated job. You have to choose from the many different options and it's a tough decision. Should you go to the centre or to the suburbs? It an official dealer better than a generic repair shop? Is it worthy to go to a specialized mechanic?

Dealership versus independent garage
Sometimes, dealerships can provide cheaper Volkswagen servicing. This happens when they have fixed, standard menu prices. The new method has made franchised dealers have friendlier prices, unlike what was previously known. However, you may still want to compare these to independent garages, where prices tend to be lower.

Central London versus the suburbs
As with anything else, this will incur greater costs if you opt for Central London locations. Those aren't the only reliable ones. You may find great value services in rather remote areas. For example, you may want to choose a VW garage Heathrow which is easy to access thanks to the fast and direct transport links. Many such options may prove to be a lot more comfortable. 

Mobile mechanics networks
This is an innovative type of business which allows to choose one from thousands of mobile, call-out mechanics in the city. Don't forget to inform them about your car make. You will benefit of specialized services wherever you may be. If your car breaks down while you're in the opposite side of London, you don't have to take it to your usual repair shop. 

Fixed price servicing and repairs
You will find these all over, but you must know one thing: they will usually cater to cars up to 15 years old. Therefore, if you have an older VW, you will have to look elsewhere for help. Also, fixed price servicing depends on other factors and car features. It may not always be a suitable solution. However, when the vehicle meets the criteria, you may find this option to be the cheaper one. 

These guidelines and comparisons should be enough to help you compare and locate the right option for you. Once you find an affordable and satisfying service, try to stick to it instead of changing the place every time.

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need Independent London VW Campervan Experts

Owners of the old classic VW Campervan in London always find it difficult to locate an appropriate service when they have a special or rare vehicle. Sometimes, one will have to cover a great distance to find this, but it is still better than opting for generic mechanic services. 

1. Campervan repair specialists cover everything
A VW Campervan repair specialist can be an independent service and repair shop or a garage. They will help you with anything, whether you're going for new bumpers or new floors and whether the Campervan is water cooled or air cooled. Be very explicit of what kind of service you need when you are making the selection; you want to be on the safe side as far as both bodywork and mechanical interventions are involved.

2. Independent garages cater to old models
For vans, you need someone with highly specific work experience. This is even more important if you are dealing with an older model. Your regular franchised dealership will not offer services that cover the old types. Check the services they offer – you will be denied or overcharged if you happen to own a van that is older than, let's say, 15 years. On the other hand, independent VW garages cater to camper vans and know where to find reliable parts for these. If their staff cannot find those, then they will fabricate them themselves, which is a lot better than going for less compatible replacements.

3. A passion for campervans
VW garage services across London are based on true passion and love for the brand and the type. These have highly dedicated staff who have developed their skill along the years and have seen many VWs just like yours. They offer the whole range of services and are passionate about restoration projects.

4. Convenient locations
VW Campervan London experts can be found mostly in suburbs where they benefit of very good transport links that can take their clients directly to Central London or to its main boroughs. For example, VW repair shops in the Heathrow area are served by the tube line.
Remember to choose a well established business that has been around for many years. Londoners find family businesses of this kind to be the most reliable.

Restoration Guidelines for Classic Volkswagen Beetles

The 1960s have the VW Beetle as one of their best known icons. It is not only nostalgic motorists to own and cherish one these days, however. Beetles are well loved and fun. Besides, it is a matter of pride to have one nowadays and keep it in a great shape. If you own a VW Beetle from the 1960s that calls for restoration, the following advice will help you:

Get to know the local machine shops
Smaller car repair businesses may offer specialized services you haven't thought about. In London, you will find these especially in suburban areas, where it won't cost you as much. There, you can get parts that you cannot find anywhere else. Such shops may happen to focus on particular brands and cater to their entire history. Thus, you will have found the right collaborators if you wish to restore your old VW Beetle. If these shops don't have original car parts for your Beetle, their skilled staff can make their own. Duplicates can look just like the originals. Check shops with machinery if you're looking for this. 

Have it cheaper
When looking for a more affordable Volkswagen specialist in London, note that the best value is often offered by an independent garage repair shop.  As it has been observed, franchised dealers offer quotes which are about 18% higher than what an independent garage provides. 

Respect the body structure
It isn't a Beetle anymore if you modify any of its parts. If you commission professionals to do the work for you, don't just assume they know this. Some are inclined to make modifications to achieve certain artistic effects. This is compromising the classic design. Do not chop or cut any parts of the car. Bugs stay valuable when their original design is respected.

Fighting the rust
Make sure you get this part covered. You don't want your car to fall apart, so don't just invest in a superficial restoration. Rust can hide in many places, especially in heater channels, where condensation happens. Also check the quarter panel that's behind each side rear window, as well as the package tray behind where passengers place various items. A lot of rust also hides underneath the flooring. Don't forget the areas for fender mounting, the frame head and firewall. 

A VW Beetle from the 1960s can be tricky to restore, unless you've found true experts. Once the job is done, it can look glorious and make its owner proud.