When you are in need of car servicing for your Volkswagen in London, you know it can be a complicated job. You have to choose from the many different options and it's a tough decision. Should you go to the centre or to the suburbs? It an official dealer better than a generic repair shop? Is it worthy to go to a specialized mechanic?
Dealership versus independent garage
Sometimes, dealerships can provide cheaper Volkswagen servicing. This happens when they have fixed, standard menu prices. The new method has made franchised dealers have friendlier prices, unlike what was previously known. However, you may still want to compare these to independent garages, where prices tend to be lower.
Central London versus the suburbs
As with anything else, this will incur greater costs if you opt for Central London locations. Those aren't the only reliable ones. You may find great value services in rather remote areas. For example, you may want to choose a VW garage Heathrow which is easy to access thanks to the fast and direct transport links. Many such options may prove to be a lot more comfortable.
Mobile mechanics networks
This is an innovative type of business which allows to choose one from thousands of mobile, call-out mechanics in the city. Don't forget to inform them about your car make. You will benefit of specialized services wherever you may be. If your car breaks down while you're in the opposite side of London, you don't have to take it to your usual repair shop.
Fixed price servicing and repairs
You will find these all over, but you must know one thing: they will usually cater to cars up to 15 years old. Therefore, if you have an older VW, you will have to look elsewhere for help. Also, fixed price servicing depends on other factors and car features. It may not always be a suitable solution. However, when the vehicle meets the criteria, you may find this option to be the cheaper one.
These guidelines and comparisons should be enough to help you compare and locate the right option for you. Once you find an affordable and satisfying service, try to stick to it instead of changing the place every time.